Sesame Crusted Salmon with Sautéed Peppers


Salmon Fillet/ Cayenne pepper/ Sesame seeds/ Peanut oil/ Fresh ginger/ Chopped onions, garlic clove/ Peppers/ Basil


Season salmon fillet with salt and cayenne pepper and coat with sesame seeds. Heat peanut oil in a pan and stir fry fresh ginger for a couple of minutes before adding the salmon fillets until the crust is golden brown, about 2 ½ minutes each side.

In another pan, heat olive oil and add onions and a clove of thin sliced garlic. When onions start to brown add pepper slices and a pinch of salt and stir fry for a minute or two. Then cover and simmer on a low heat until peppers start to soften. Stir in fresh chopped basil and ground black pepper. Serve on the side of the sesame crusted salmon.


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