Fit Hacks: Five Tips for Running in Hot Weather (FT Article)

We recently featured in the Financial Times to provide expert advice on top tips on running during the heatwave.

•Have a Salty Breakfast: We tend to lose a lot of electrolytes running in the heat which can leave us feeling faint, adding more sodium that day can help prevent this. 

•The Bandana Trick: All you need are ice cubes and a bandana, wrap the ice cubes in the bandana and tie it around your neck  this will help keep you cool.

•Wear as little as possible: Light coloured clothing and mesh panels in leggings are a must for running in the heat, also go for polyester based garments.

•Avoid Running Beside Water: The cooling breeze can be very misleading coupled with the sun's reflection off the water can leave our skin as overcooked as the Barbecued burgers.

•Carry a small frozen bottle: This can be ideal to cool us down as we start the run and can aid in our hydration towards the end as the ice melts.

•Head to the Park: Concrete and asphalt around cities retain heat, running on grass in the park can be cooler and get us one step closer to nature.

•Check the breeze: Start your run going with the wind and then run back with a headwind. Running into the wind has a cooling effect, and you’ll need that in the second half of a run.

•Don’t expect a Personal Best: Running in the heat is proven to reduce our general pace per kilometre, temperatures above 20 degrees have been shown to slow our pace per kilometre by as much as 30 seconds.


Have a read of the full article here.


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